The Importance of Water: Moisturising Your Skin
The Importance Of Water

Did you know that over half - approximately 60 % of the human body is comprised of water. Water is a key component of the skin and as the largest organ of the body, the skin contains approximately 64 percent of water. Skin that lacks sufficient water can be dry, tight, itchy and flaky. It may also look and feel rough and lacks visible radiance. Dry skin lose its soft flexible toned texture and may crack which could lead to high risk of infections. Dehydrated skin also developed early signs of visible wrinkles.
Research has shown that 40-72% of consumers have dry skin and their
skin get dehydrated either through insufficient water intake or excessive water loss. Drinking water is important for a healthy skin but not sufficient enough to combat skin dehydration. Skin experts recommend the use of a moisturiser daily.
The Importance Of Moisturising Your Skin

How do you select the most appropriate moisturiser for your skin?
Do you know how to select your skin care products with the right ingredients according to your skin type for a healthy and youthful looking skin?
There are so many choices for facial moisturisers on the market - ointments, creams, sprays & lotions. So, how do you select your moisturiser from the vast products' range? Should you select according to your skin tone, texture, type, sensitivity, lighter or darker skin tone? So many factors need to be taken into consideration in order to really know what is the best selection for you.
The first thing to understand is that choosing a good moisturiser is a necessity no matter what type of skin you have. If you have a dry skin, an ointment is a good option to bring and preserve moisture to your skin. While creams are thinner, they hydrate well and can be used for normal skin. However, oily skin (acne-prone skin) requires lighter lotions where water is the main ingredient. Our medical consultant at the VIP Laser Clinic Med Spa, Dr Pretidev Ramdawon, M.D, Ph.D, D.Sc., Associate Professor of Medicine & Diplomate from the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, recommends an 100% Pure Hyaluronic Acid Moisturiser, which is a non-comedogenic facial moisturiser that allows the pores to breathe and prevents one's skin from getting fatty.
A good moisturiser has many benefits, and regular hydration not only allows your skin to glow, but it also helps it to repair itself rapidly with a good turnover of fresh cells. A recent study from the British Journal Of Dermatology reported that people who use a regular moisturiser developed less wrinkles than those with dry skin. It is as important for men to moisturise their skin as another study found that male are more likely to show earlier signs of ageing than women.