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Easily lose up to 30 kg in 2 months!

Revolutionary Methods Of Slimming!


Professional & Expert Guidance

by Medical Expert Consultant & Internationally Certified Wellness Coach

First come, first serve as per the availability of slots

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At the VIP Laser Clinic, we embrace a holistic medical approach to releasing excess weight. We transform lives while promoting a healthy lifestyle to be maintained on a long-term basis.


Let us help you reach a healthier and happier you.


The success of our Weight Reduction Program is based on a combination of specialized medical treatments and lifestyle changes. There are no quick fixes.


Our program is strictly conducted under the expert guidance of our Medical Consultant together with our Internationally Certified Wellness Coach to help you release those excess kilos day after day, week after week safely and effectively while eating food beneficial to your body and enjoying life.


The right time to start releasing your extra fats is NOW!


We have created a high-quality Weight Loss Program designed to rebalance your body chemistry and boost your metabolism.


We have 2 packages depending on your goal and how much weight you want to release.


A medical consultation with our Medical Consultant prior to your treatment is mandatory to assess your case and advise you on the best options suitable for you.




A combination of 10 sessions of the following:

  • Myoslimming sessions

  • Emsculpt session

+ 05 Deep Coaching Sessions with our Internationally Certified Wellness Coach assisting you achieve your goals through a personalized One-to-One session & daily online monitoring for a healthy lifestyle for a period of 4 weeks


A combination of 20 sessions + 01 free session of the following:

  • Myoslimming sessions

  • Emsculpt session

+  05 Deep Coaching Sessions + 01 Free Deep Coaching Session with our Internationally Certified Wellness Coach assisting you achieve your goals through a personalized One-to-One session & daily online monitoring for a healthy lifestyle for a period of 8 weeks



Session 1:

Discovery Session & Goal Setting Exercise.

A discovery session to dig deep with the client to understand his goal. The Coach sacredly listens to the client to work out his target together, applying the principles of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time).


It is an intense session connecting with the client to understand his big WHY. Learn the secret of how to create a long-term impact for a healthier lifestyle while enjoying the food you love.

Session 2:

Relationship With Yourself & Food

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An in-depth session about the Relationship the client has with food and getting to work on his mindset on a metaphysical level to understand the six Human Hungers and how to identify them and your emotions.


What does it say about you?

Session 3:

How To Claim Back Your Inner Powers

Through powerful statements and understanding how to claim your prime power  to able to recognize what is within us and how we can use it to create our motivation to do whatever it takes to reach your goal.


How to gradually integrate a healthy lifestyle by installing new habits of including regular workouts, sleep monitoring, water intake, developing an attitude of gratitude to accept yourself as the unique New You, you will discover through daily accountability and follow ups.

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Session 4:

Work on Your Highest Intention of Your Big

WHY you started

You have to have a big Enough WHY to transform your habits of eating & exercising. In every program of change and transformation, there must be sufficient motivation. Most people, who feel stuck, unable to make effective changes, they doubt that anything will really work and start to believe that their ‘willpower’ is lacking.

This session is about how to set positive and wonderful intentions about eating right, exercising regularly, controlling the amount and what we eat in our real world of temptations, contraints and current situation to understand our highest intention.

It is a powerful session to set new intentions that govern your healthy habits. It will develop your ‘will power’ without all the stress and strains that are usually connected to it

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Session 5:

Blowing Out All Excuses Coming In Your Way

& Designing New Frames of Mind

Learn to identify your excuses and blow them away.

Creating new mind frames to maintain a healthy eating and exercising pattern.

To develop a healthy and empowering mind frames that facilitate the right kind of eating so that you never have to diet.

To eat only to have energy, vitality and slimness.

If you have a ‘why’ that is big enough to make you excited to get to excited and understand it is not about food but energy.


You will no longer be eating for the wrong reasons. It is about developing a whole new attitude that will make the transformation happen

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My coaching journey with Reena started when I went to VIP Laser Clinic for a weight loss programme. The Doctor told me for my case, I will also need a health coach. And at that time I did not have a clue that it is possible for me to lose 40 kgs in less than 6 months. First session we set my target to lose 40 kg by 6 months and the journey started. At the onset, I felt comfortable and it was easy to open myself which is unusual for me as an individual who will not really open up to a coach in the first sessions. On a daily basis, the follow up has been amazing with so many useful tips to have a healthy lifestyle. I always had an issue with overseas travels and social gatherings when I tend to eat all junk and unhealthy food and thanks to the coaching sessions and daily follow up tips, I can now enjoy going out and also travel but maintain the healthy lifestyle. I learnt how to unleash my power and how to live with intent through patterns. The patterns sparked my healthy lifestyle journey further. As a young professional, 30 years, in Finance, I always thought that my career was a great achievement. However, this journey is now to me a bigger achievement. To anyone who want to achieve something and have plans but the spark is not there, I will strongly recommend to have a Meta-Coach and Reena as a Meta-Coach would be your spark. 

VJ (Financial Risk Manager) Mauritius

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A 

P I O N E E R  &  L E A D E R   I N   A E S T H E T I C   M E D I C I N E   

T H E   F I R S T   M E D S P A   I N   M A U R I T I U S   &   T H E   I N D I A N   O C E A N

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A
The Leader In Aesthetic Medicine
"Aspiring Towards Perfection"
+230 465 70 80
+230 5 259 26 66 (WhatsApp)

Regency Square, corner of Conal & Mc Irvine St., Van der Meersch, Beau Bassin

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