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Pico Clear Laser Treatment
For Tattoo & Hyperpigmentation Removal & Skin Rejuvenation

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PICO CLEAR presents a new era in skin rejuvenation and tattoo removal, offering optimal results for wrinkle reduction, removal of colorful tattoos and benign pigmented lesions with just few treatments.


PICO CLEAR of Alma Lasers delivers impressive results using exclusively ultra-short picosecond energy pulses into the skin tissue to achieve excellent results, with very few treatments. The use of different wavelengths with the shortest pulse duration enabling high peak power, an unique double pulse mode, a variety of spot sizes and a supreme feature set provide us the flexibility to treat a variety of clinical indications with maximum accuracy, enabling multiple patient tailored treatment options.

PICO CLEAR is our ultimate preference for tattoo removal, hyperpigmentation treatment, and skin rejuvenation.


We offer a highly efficient solution with no compromise

on safety, accuracy., achievement of excellent results

and high professionalism.


Suitable for all skin types.

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A 

P I O N E E R  &  L E A D E R   I N   A E S T H E T I C   M E D I C I N E   

T H E   F I R S T   M E D S P A   I N   M A U R I T I U S   &   T H E   I N D I A N   O C E A N

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V I P   L A S E R    C L I N I C   M E D   S P A
The Leader In Aesthetic Medicine
"Aspiring Towards Perfection"
+230 465 70 80
+230 5 259 26 66 (WhatsApp)

Regency Square, corner of Conal & Mc Irvine St., Van der Meersch, Beau Bassin

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